Ballarat Family Medical Centre
Opening Hours : Monday to Friday - 9am to 6pm
Contact : (03) 5331 3128
Our doctors are equipped to treat both amateur and professional athletes. This includes the treament of both new or old injuries, referrals to appropriate allied health professions, specific injury rehabilitation…
Our doctors discuss the potential dangers of overweight and obesity with the patient in relation to chronic diseases. A mutually agreed weight management plan is put in place with the…
We undertake a wide range of comprehensive assessments of potential employees. This includes physical check-ups, drug and alcohol testing, hearing tests, heart tests (ECG), muscoloskeletal assessments, lung function tests, vision…
Our services cover the entire treatment process from initial assesment of injury, scheduling of regular appointments, return to work planning (placing and maintaining the employee back into work) based on…
Our medical practice provides comprehensive care plans specifically designed for each patient, to make sure all diseases are covered and the ultimate goal of good health is achieved. Typical plans…
Our services provide full health checks with an In-depth assessment to identify any preventable health issues or conditions to improve patients’ quality of life. This includes care arrangements, recommendations for…